Bioidentical Progesterone: The Misunderstood Hormone

By Thomas Kupka, M.D. and Colleen Kupka, R.N.

Founders, Scottsdale Vanity Med Spa and Scottsdale PRP Aesthetics, Scottsdale Mobile Med Spa.

A common misconception is that women who are post-menopausal receive little benefit from progesterone.  At the same time, many mistakenly believe that women who have had a hysterectomy will have no benefit from bioidentical progesterone.

Actually, women can receive a wide range of benefits when utilizing rogesterone.

Common Benefits of Bioidentical Progesterone:

  • Improved sleep
  • A calming, anti-anxiety effect
  • Anti-depressant effects
  • Lowering of blood pressure
  • Lowering cholesterol
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Increased scalp hair
  • Stimulates bone production
  • Promotes weight loss

However, synthetic progesterones don’t have the same benefit. The disservice of utilizing synthetic progesterones is that synthetics not only lack many of the benefits of bioidentical progesterone, but several synthetic progesterones are associated with increased cancer risk.

Bioidentical progesterone is free of the cancer risks associated with synthetics and brings all the benefits mentioned above.

Another common misunderstanding about bioidentical progesterone is, unlike estrogen and testosterone where oral dosing (taking formulation by mouth) increases side-effects and risks, oral dosing of progesterone doesn’t have the same effect. In fact, some of the benefits improve with oral dosing. For example, there is a greater sleep benefit by dosing bio-identical progesterone by mouth.

Surprisingly, progesterone replacement can be more important than estrogen replacement for many post-menopausal women.

The importance of bioidentical progesterone is underappreciated by many clients and health care providers. Secondary to this misunderstanding, providers mistakenly, either don’t prescribe progesterone or use a synthetic progesterone replacement resulting in inadequate hormonal benefit. This is a missing therapeutic opportunity to help you with the many benefits of bioidentical progesterone.

If you are on synthetic hormone therapy or not sure if you are using synthetic hormones, we are happy to help you with this concern. There is also more information available about natural hormone therapy, click here to learn more.

Or, if you are experiencing symptoms that are associated with perimenopause or menopause, and would like to discuss customized hormonal treatment, including bioidentical progesterone, contact us at Scottsdale Vanity Med Spa 480-589-3999 for a consultation.

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